Thursday 15 March 2012

Nature versus Technology???

In a world so focused on technology have we forgotten the beauty in the simple things? have children today forgotten the wonder of nature? As we went about our adventure I noticed children around my dear son not so interested in the birds and wallabies and emu's. A day at the nature park was not nearly as entertaining as a day inside with the wiggles for some. The first sign of clear skies and my dear family headed out on an adventure to find some food and animals to share it with, dear son was not fazed by the animals, being only 16 month, he had ventured into a pack of kangaroo's simply because they had the best mud puddles to play in. The kind that attract little boys, filled with slime and other unsightly things. I noticed of the few kids who had dared to leave their warm cosy, energy driven sanctuary few were interested in anything other than whinging that they didn't bring their gaming device or screaming for their wiggles. Has today's children forgotten how to climb trees and build cubby houses or are they done in the cyber world? I challenge parents to technology free their homes for a week. I know I relish that perfect hour those godly men dressed in red, blue, yellow and purple sing and dance and I have peace, but parents turn off that television, unplug those power cords, save yourself some money and take your kids for a walk to the park. Follow an ant trail to see where it leads and show kids the mysteries of the world they live in and not the world of a computer or television screen.

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