Thursday 15 March 2012


Who penned the term 'stay at home dad' obviously wasn't talking about my husband. Once upon a time (very long ago) it was mutually decided that my dear husband was to be the stay at home dad for financial reasons. All was going blissfully, until dear child number two arrived, apparently that brief stint of leave given to you to recover from your 9 months of hell entitles stay at home dad to a holiday! 'Stay at home dad' I have decided this was invented by a male... Where is the equality today? Are women really expected to be super mums? Are we required to maintain children, a household, have a career and somewhere in that blissfully chaotic 24 hours squeeze in time for fitness, beauty regime and of course dear husband requires sexual encounters. honestly do men really believe that today's modern woman is the stepford wife? Societies expectations have been sent backwards and upside down, so this brief stint of maternity leave entitled to the modern day woman who endures 9 months of swollen feet and expanding waistline, on top of vomiting and cravings to go with her already everyday hectic schedule is forfeited to the also modern 'stay at home dad' to ensure he has respite between the wiggles and playing lego. Somehow I feel I was born the wrong sex!

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